Pressure Washing Prices: What to Expect When Hiring a Professional

Pressure Washing PricesHave you ever wondered how much it costs to hire a professional power washing service?

We’ve all been there. Sometimes cleaning our homes or storefronts after a long hard winter just needs a professional crew. Power washing is great for outdoor entertainment areas. Or for cleaning off roofs.

Professional pressure washing prices vary but with the help of this article, we’ll show you what to expect as you start shopping around.

What is Pressure Washing?

The most important thing to consider is what exactly is pressure washing?

When it comes down to it, pressure washing and power washing are not the same things. Power washing uses hot water, which will help get rid of any mold, fungi, dirt, and grime clinging to the surface you’re hoping to clean.

Pressure washing is water being forced at a high velocity across the surface you’re cleaning. This is handy for masonry, brick sidewalks, decks, and driveways. This sort of cleaning will need to take place every year.

Rent, Buy or Hire for Best Pressure Washing Prices?

Do you need to buy or rent a pressure washer? Probably not.

Buying or renting the equipment you need is usually a waste of money. Hiring a company that can come in, do the job you need them to do, and then leave with their equipment will save you so many headaches.

So when you start looking at pressure washing services, don’t pay attention to the companies asking you to rent their equipment.

The average price across the country for a standard house cleaning ranges from $.08-.18 per square foot. This may vary depending on where you live. But getting a quote will never hurt when searching for a company.

What To Look For

Always make sure you find out the pressure washing company’s experience.

This will go a long way in telling you just how good of a job this group will do. If the prices seem too good to be true, well, they just might be. Companies that offer prices well below the national average may not be professional.

Paying attention to the costs may save you a future problem you definitely do not want to deal with.

Find a company that is knowledgeable on all of the services you need. And keep in mind it’s okay to research all of the options available. Sometimes shopping around could save you a little bit of money.

Talk to Your Neighbors

Sometimes chatting with your neighbors will give you more than the neighborhood gossip.

A lot of the time, if you get a few potential customers rounded up for a company, you could save some money on a job.

Choose the Right Company for Your Job

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a complicated and outlandishly expensive process. Choose a pressure washing company that will lay out all of its pressure washing prices for you before you hire them. And see if they have any extra services they may offer as well, to get you more bang for your buck.

Contact us if you’d like to learn more about the services our company offers. We offer a wide range of cleaning styles.